


and NeuroDevelopment - Neuro Chemistry
Neuro Chemistry or NeuroChemistry
Studies metabolic and biochemical agents in the brain. Nucleic acids - DNA, RNA.
Brain content high during early phases of development, then gradually decreases.
DNA content is a reliable predictor of cell number.
Two periods of cell proliferation detected by measuring DNA: 15-20 wks gestation is neuroblast proliferation; 25 wks gestation to 2 yrs age glial cell multiplication
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome - mutation of gene affects enzyme involved in making of nucleotide bases of nucleic acids
Amino acids :
Absorption of amino acids from blood and rates of protein synthesis higher for newborns than adults
Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism - PKU
Lipid :
In fetal brain, little difference found between lipids in gray and white matter
Adult pattern attained during myelination, which increase in three major lipids (cholesterol, cerebrosides, sphingomyelin)
Disorders of lipid metabolism - Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick
Neurotransmitters :
dopamine, acetylcholine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, glutamate
increase in levels serve as developmental signals for neural tube formation, germinal cell proliferation, and neuronal and glial differentiation
Neuro Chemistry 2024
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Neurochemistry-enriched dynamic causal models of magnetoencephalography, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy